Uploading Your Files

By uploading and sharing your images with us you are giving us full permission to display the image(s) on our website at wafertoppers.com and any other websites related to us in the future. Please only upload images displaying our decorations, any other images will be deleted.


Browse for your images and add them to the cart.

The QTY option can be ignored.

Continue checking out as normal.

Select customer uploads option from the payment methods.

Option only available when uploading images, please remove products from cart.

Make sure to add your chosen freebies in the comments box.

Agree to our terms and continue.

If you wish to upload more then repeat as above.

Once received we will check against previous orders for confirmation.

Please note that this customer uploads page can also be used for uploading additional or replacement images for products such as our custom toppers.


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Customer Uploads

  • Product Code: Customer Uploads
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £0.00

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